Friday, January 2, 2009


This morning I had difficulty getting out of bed. I dragged myself to the Monon Center, where I (and seemingly everyone one else in our little city) worked on my New Year's Resolution to get in better shape! Then I drove home- and crawled directly back into bed. I told Abby I was "burrowing." 
She shrugged cluelessly and left, and I cuddled the pillows and wondered why. Then I realized, I put flannel sheets on the bed yesterday! 
They are so soft and warm. 
With the mystery solved, I got up and got busy with laundry, cleaning, and trying to find a volunteer teacher for our preschool program. It looks like that may turn out to be me! I love kids but am not the best behavioral scientist on the board, so we shall see. 
After dinner, Rich and I are going to see Valkyrie, and then... I guess there will be some more cuddle time!


  1. I don't make New Years Resolutions any more ;-)

  2. Sounds good to me, Paula. I'm going right now to take a nap because I've been working on my journal all day. I'm learning, but slowly!

  3. I dont make new years resolutions either.

  4. Yay for cuddle time, and soft blankets!

    Hope it turns out well for you being the new volunteer for the kids:)

  5. Hope you and Rich have a good time. Are you thinking about taking that job again next year? We have to talk! lol

  6. Sounds like a nice way too spend the day.

  7. I set goals for the year but don't make those traditional resolutions. But really cuddling should always be at the top of the list!!
